Claire Elliott

Claire Elliott

Senior Paralegal


I am a Senior Paralegal in the Private Client Litigation office in Jersey.

After completing my legal qualifications in 2004 I joined the Mourant team. I have gained significant experience in Criminal, Family and Civil law, but my specific area of expertise is Criminal defence work under the Legal Aid Scheme. I have extensive experience of dealing with all aspects of criminal law, in both the Magistrates and Royal Court.

Professional qualifications

  • Ba (hons) Sociology & Social Policy (2:1) – Royal Holloway (University of London), 1996 – 1999
  • Post-graduate Diploma (Law) – Commendation – Bournemouth University, 2002 – 2003
  • Legal Practice Course (LPC) – Commendation - Bournemouth University, 2003 – 2004

Work highlights

  • Assisted Advocate Dix in the case of AG v A (2021) – Mr A was charged with grave and criminal assault against his partner. The prosecution sought to rely on hearsay evidence and substantive legal argument took place prior to trial. Mr A was subsequently acquitted at a Magistrate's Court trial.
  • Assisted Advocate Binnie in the case of AG –v- McC (2022) – Jury trial involving multiple charges of assault and grave and criminal assault in a domestic setting. A number of legal arguments took place ahead of trial in which the defence were successful, regarding non-defendant bad character and disclosure issues. Mr McC was unanimously acquitted by the Jury on all counts.
  • AG –v- G (2022) –19 year old defendant – entered guilty pleas to a number of offences including possession with intent to supply over half a kilo Cannabis. An ultimate sentence of 200 hours Community Service was imposed by the Court, following our plea in mitigation.
  • AG –v- H (2022) – Superior Number Sentencing – Possession with Intent to supply Heroin. We successfully argued that the Court should impose a sentence less than that moved for by the Crown (5 ½ years). The Court concurred with our submissions and imposed a final sentence of 4 years and 9 months.
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